If you are interested in participating in the FIRA COMERCIAL 2023 EL VERGER (whether as a bar/restaurant, shop or service company) we invite you to the informative meeting next Monday 30th of January at 20.30 h in the Assembly Hall of the CASA DE CULTURA.
We will inform you about the planned programmes, the gastronomic area dedicated to catering and food products, prices to be able to participate, venue, opening hours, advertising and other services.
Make the most of this regional showcase so that they can visit you and get to know your business.
We are waiting for you!
In addition, on the same day, at 21:00 h. in the Assembly Hall of the CASA DE CULTURA, there will also be an informative meeting about the BONOS-CONSUM EL VERGER 2023 campaigns, as well as the results of the Christmas 2022 campaign.

All the doubts that have arisen in the previous campaign will be resolved, the results will be presented and all the proposals that businesses that have participated in the previous campaign or that are interested in participating in this year’s campaign will be collected.
Come and take part! It’s very easy and benefits the whole town.
More info:
96 643 95 51


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