The Decree 55/2019, of 5 April, of the Consell, by which the revision of the Pla integral de residus (PIR) of the Comunitat Valenciana is approved, was published in the DOCV on 26 April 2019. Art. 14 establishes the obligation of the Town Councils of the Valencian Community to draw up and approve the Local Waste Management and Similar Plans:
“D’acord amb el que es determina a la Llei 22/2011 i les seves modificacions, les entitats locals poden establir plans locals de residus, a l’àmbit de les seves competències. Aquests plans locals de residus, no poden contravindre el que es disposa a la normativa comunitària, estatal ni autonòmica de residus.
A la Comunitat Valenciana, els plans locals de residus han d’executar-se de forma col·laborativa amb els consorcis de residus de la Comunitat Valenciana de l’àrea geogràfica de què és tracte o entitat local dels serveis de valorització i eliminació competent, i també amb la Generalitat i la diputació corresponent. A aquests efectes, el pla local de residus ha de preveure la subscripció dels convenis de col·laboració corresponents, al menys amb el consorci de residus o l’entitat local competent dels serveis de valorització i eliminació competent de què es tracti, per assegurar que les mesures del pla local de gestió de residus estan d’acord amb la jerarquia europea en matèria de gestió de residus, pel que fa com a mínim a la prevenció de la generació de residus, la preparació per a la reutilització i el reciclatge en origen ….”

In accordance with the provisions of article 133. 1 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, with the aim of improving citizen participation in the procedure for drawing up regulations, prior to the drawing up of the draft LOCAL WASTE AND ASSIMILABLES PLAN OF EL VERGER, PRIOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE LOCAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN OF EL VERGER was held, with no opinions having been presented during the exposed period (from 2 August to 19 September 2023). Translated with (free version)

In accordance with the provisions of Article 133.2 and 3 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, once the Plan/regulation has been drafted and prior to its approval by the competent body, it is submitted for PUBLIC CONSULTATION, HEARING AND INFORMATION so that interested parties and the most representative organisations can make comments and/or allegations during a period of 45 working days from its publication.

Documents to be consulted and which make up the El Verger Local Plan for Waste and Similar Materials:
1. Justification report.
2. Model Laboratory Guide
3. Model Good Practice Guide
4. Plan 1
5. Plan 2
6. Plan 3

a) Regulatory background
Law 22/2011, of 28 July, on Waste and Contaminated Soil, already established that Local Bodies, within the framework of their competences, may draw up waste management programmes in accordance and coordination with the National Framework Plan and the Autonomous Community waste management plans.
Along the same lines, Article 22 of Law 10/2000, of 12 December 2000, on Waste in the Valencia Region, stipulated that both public and private waste management activities should be carried out in accordance with waste plans approved by the competent public administrations, which should implement selective collection as an essential stage in the recovery of waste and be approved in accordance with the procedure established in the local regulations for the approval of by-laws.

b) The problems that the initiative is intended to solve
The problems to be solved can be described as follows:
* To obtain a report justifying all the waste collection services under the responsibility of the El Verger Town Council.
* To study the current sorting performance and set performance targets for the coming years.
* Justify and quantify the actions taken to achieve improvements in performance in selective collection at source, in order to meet the recycling targets set out in Law 22/2011, of 28 July, on Waste and Contaminated Soil, and the PEMAR (State Waste Management Framework Plan).
* Justify the collection systems selected, in accordance with the recovery targets set by current legislation.
* To have an economic report that is binding for the City Council.
* Provide training and practical information on waste separation to the public.

c) The need and timeliness of its approval
The need for the PLGR derives, specifically, from the provisions of article 14 of Decree 55/2019, of 5 April, of the Consell, which approves the revision of the Integral Waste Plan of the Valencian Community.
The plan is intended to have a temporary planning and application of staggered measures aimed at achieving the recycling objectives set out in the regulations.
Therefore, the processing of the document in question is necessary in order to guarantee sustainable consumption and production models, facilitating the recycling of waste according to its typologies.

d) The objectives of the regulation
The main objective of the PLGR is to regulate the characteristics of the waste collection service for the Town Council of El Verger. In which, after an analysis of the current situation, the collection circuits, the locations of the containers, the necessary equipment and installations and the rest of the elements relating to the adequate organisation of the service will be established.

e) Possible alternative regulatory and non-regulatory solutions
The approval of the Local Waste Management Plan of the Town Council of El Verger is an obligation established in the PIR-CAV, therefore, there is no room for non-regulation.

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