We inform you that from Tuesday, April 14, the electronic certificates will be issued in order to be able to process the aid from the self-employed and other interested parties.
An appointment must be made in advance (from April 14th at 9:00 am) by calling 965751191.
Certificates will be issued from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Necessary documentation: National Identity Card (in force) or if you are a foreigner NIE and passport
The interested party must go in person to the Town Hall, as their signature is essential. It is not possible to be replaced by another person (family member or spouse).
The interested parties must arrive on time, avoiding queues or crowds at the door of the Town Hall, observing, at all times, the social distance (1.5 metres in case of queues) and the hygiene and self-protection measures recommended by the health authorities.


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