The City Council of El Verger joins the Valencian Agency for the Protection of the Territory to which delegates the supervision of urban legality in undeveloped or protected land.

The Plenary held on July 8, 2021, unanimously approved the accession in accordance with the Statutes of the Agency, which means, in practice, delegate exclusive competence to the Agency in the protection of urban legality, sanction and restoration of urban legality, as well as serious or very serious urban infractions in undeveloped land, common or protected, of this municipality.

The purpose of the Valencian Agency for the Protection of the Territory is to exercise the administrative powers of town planning discipline with respect to serious or very serious infractions committed on undeveloped, common or protected land in the territory of the municipalities that adhere to the framework agreement.

This includes the exercise of inspection functions and the initiation, processing, resolution and execution of procedures for the restoration of urban planning legality, urban planning sanctioning procedures and the challenging of municipal licenses, allegedly illegal.

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