The City Council of El Verger has already opened the call for the El Verger Literary Awards, a cultural initiative that includes the XI Short Story Awards “Mestre Tomàs Espí”, as well as the IV Vicent Carrió Poetry Awards. A new edition of this consolidated literary contest that will continue to recognize the best works presented in short narrative and poetry in Valencian both in the adult category – over 18 years old – and in the youth category – between 8 and 17 years old – as well as promoting local talent through the adult local category (over 18 and registered in the municipality of El Verger). It is worth noting the increase in the allocation of the award in adult and local categories, which amounts to € 300 in this edition.
This was stated by Miguel Pou, Councilor for Culture of the City Council of El Verger and coordinator of the awards, at the press conference held at the headquarters of MACMA, an entity that collaborates since the first editions as a jury and also with the award to the youth category, which will consist of a batch of books edited by the Cultural Commonwealth. On the other hand, the manager of the MACMA, Jovi Seser, has valued very positively the new design and image of the awards, as well as their increased importance within the map of literary calls of the region.
Regarding the complete bases of the prize, these can be consulted on the website specially prepared for the contest (, which indicates the requirements of the works to be submitted, works that can be submitted in print or by email to the address indicated. It should be noted that the deadline to submit the works will be next April 3, 2020.
The Department of Culture will announce the verdict of the awards to all participants on June 19, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in an event that will take place at the “Torre dels Ducs de Medinaceli”. It will also be announced through its publication, in the Edict Board of the El Verger City Hall.

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