The Department of Health and Public Health, at the proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Production Sectors, Trade and Work, has set in a resolution the conditions for the opening of markets for non-sedentary sale of basic products in the Community of Valencia, during the state of alarm caused by Covidien-19 from 30 April.
The resolution states that non-sedentary markets may adapt or maintain their activity, always delimited by fences or other means to mark the limits, ensure control of flow, separation of establishments and social distance. Among the conditions, it includes the separation of 2.5 meters between stops and a distance of 2 meters with the customer.
The Town Hall of El Verger informs that it will be next Friday 8th May, when the travelling municipal market will take place again in Divina Aurora Street but only with food products.
We remind you that you must always follow the recommendations of hygiene and safety distance.

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