The Department of Commerce informs of the new aids that subsidise investments in works, installations and equipment in commercial establishments, including computer applications and expenses derived from the creation of a web page linked to the establishment, aimed at the implementation of online sales or integration in an online e-commerce platform for establishments located or to be implemented in the Valencia Region.
Investments may be earmarked for equipment for display, storage and sale of the product, signage and identification of the establishment, security systems, accessibility, energy saving, waste treatment, etc. Only works carried out in the sales area of the establishment will be subsidised.
The approved investment may not be less than 3,000 euros and the aid may reach 75% of the investment, with a limit of 40,000 euros per establishment, and over a period of three years.
The beneficiaries of this aid may be natural persons and trading companies and assimilated companies classified as SMEs or micro-SMEs, including groups of natural or legal persons, public or private, civil societies, communities of goods, or any other type of economic unit or separate assets without their own legal personality, which carry out or will carry out commercial activity in the Comunitat Valenciana, in any of the activities, according to:
• CNAE (Royal Decree 475/2007, of 13 April, CNAE-2009): Section G, Division 47, except groups and classes 4726, 473, 4773, 478 and 479.
• IAE (Royal Decree Law 1175/1991 of 28 September 1991): Section One Division 6,
Grouping 64 except group 646 and heading 647.5
Group 65 except for heading 652.1 and groups 654 and 655
In no case shall repair and maintenance activities be eligible for support.
The deadline for submission of applications will be from 15 January to 9 February 2024 inclusive.
RESOLUTION of 28 December 2023, of the Director General for Trade, Crafts and Consumer Affairs, announcing the early call for applications for the 2024 financial year for aid in the field of trade, consumer affairs and crafts[2023/13238].
Applications, according to the standard form available in the corresponding telematic procedure depending on the aid to be applied for, of those regulated in this call, shall be submitted only by telematic means, through the electronic headquarters of the Generalitat (
Aid has also been published for artisan individuals and SMEs to support the modernisation and improvement of equipment for the exercise and development of artisan trades.
The approved investment may not be less than EUR 2 000 and the aid may be up to 75 % with a limit of EUR 30 000 per establishment or workshop to which the activity is linked, within a period of 3 years The DCA must be held.
For further information:
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