What is the Electoral Census?

The Electoral Census contains the registrations of persons with the right to vote, in general Spaniards of legal age who are not incapacitated, whether they are resident in Spain or abroad, without prejudice to its possible extension for Municipal and European Parliament Elections with foreign voters resident in Spain who have the legally recognised right to vote, as they are nationals of other European Union countries in European Parliament and municipal Elections, or of other countries in local Elections by virtue of a Treaty that establishes this.

For the next elections to the Cortes Generales on 23 July 2023, the Electoral Census in force is the one closed on 1 March 2023.

How to consult the Electoral Census?

Any interested party may consult their registration data telematically in the Electoral Census in force each month or for an election or referendum.
Registration in the Electoral Census contains personal data and the residence address of voters, as well as the municipality of registration for electoral purposes for Spaniards residing abroad. When the consultation is carried out during an electoral period, the details of the polling station and the polling station are also provided. The result of the consultation is displayed on screen and may be printed.

Who can apply?

Any interested person who is a voter and has an electronic certificate of those published in the INE’s electronic headquarters, or in person at the Town Hall (Secretary’s office).


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