Free psychological care

Free psychological care

The Department of Social Services has initiated a project in conjunction with Amadem offering free psychological care. The aim is to promote the mental and emotional wellbeing of all citizens. How does this service work? 1.- Make an appointment by calling 699010083...

Swimming initiation course

Swimming initiation course

The Department of Sports informs that the registration period for the introductory swimming course for children is now open To sign up for these courses, an application must be made in person at the Town Hall registry or by registering on the electronic site. Places...

Padel court reservations

Padel court reservations

The Town Hall informs that the paddle tennis court is now in operation with the new booking system via APP or Web. During the first month the court will be free so that you can familiarise yourself with the booking system. You can download the APP V3 Manager or access...

New Cadastre app

New Cadastre app

The General Directorate of Cadastre of the Ministry of Finance and the General Secretariat for Digital Administration of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Administration have launched a new mobile application, called ‘Catastro_app’. It is a new tool...

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