Today have been published in the BOP the regulatory bases for the call for grants to minimize the economic impact that the energy crisis is assuming on SMEs, micro-SMEs, small self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals in the municipality of El Verger funded by the Provincial Council of Alicante, therefore applications may be submitted from tomorrow 19 October until 25 October at the Electronic Headquarters of the City of El Verger:

Here we remind you of the most relevant information regarding the conditions and required documentation:
Eligible items.
1.- ELECTRICAL ENERGY. In the period between 1 April 2021 and 30 June 2022.
2.- GAS. In the period from 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2022.
3.- FUELS. In the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022.
Necessary for the operation and directly related to the business.
– Up to 50% of the current expenditure items listed above and paid in each of the aforementioned periods will be eligible for subsidy.

Form and deadline for submitting applications:
The deadline for submitting applications will be five working days from the day following publication of the call for applications in the BOP of Alicante.

Documentation to be provided together with the application (according to the standard form):
1.- NIF / CIF or NIE accompanied by the passport, of the applicant person or company.
2.- Updated census certificate from the Tax Agency stating the economic activity with the date of registration and the tax domicile within the municipality of El Verger.
3.- Updated report of the employment history of the self-employed person, self-employed company member or joint owner.
4.- In the case of workers who are members of a mutual insurance company: certificate from the mutual insurance company stating that they are registered on the date of publication in the BOP of the call for applications for this aid.
5.- Report on the average number of workers on the payroll issued by the General Treasury of the Social Security at the date of the opening of the application submission period.
6.- Certificates of being up to date with tax and Social Security obligations (TGSS).
7.- Documentation accrediting current expenses and proof of payment in accordance with the requirements of Basis Three.
8.- Declaration of Responsibility in accordance with the standardised model.
9.- Minimis Declaration according to the standard form.
This application must be accompanied (except if it was already provided to the Town Council of El Verger for the previous call for applications for GRANTS TO MINIMISE THE ECONOMIC IMPACT CAUSED BY COVID-19).

Amount of the subsidies:
The amount subsidised will be the amount resulting from dividing the total amount by the number of subsidies granted, without in any case exceeding the maximum limit of 4,000 euros per beneficiary entity.
The subsidy will be 50% of the total amount of the eligible items justified and duly paid, excluding indirect taxes.

More information:
Tel. 966439551

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