The Parenthesis Assistance are based on reasons of public interest derived from the need to adopt measures to support the sectors most affected by the pandemic, to avoid a deterioration of their business fabric and to help preserve employment by mitigating the social consequences of the paralysis of certain economic activities agreed by the resolution of 19 January 2021, of the Regional Minister for Universal Health and Public Health, establishing exceptional and additional measures in the Valencia Region as a result of the worsening of the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. (DOGV no. 9001bis, de 20.01.2021) (DECREE LAW 1/2021, of January 22 , of the Consell, by wich the Resistir Plan is approved, wich includes parenthesis aid in each municipality for the sectors most affected by the pandemic).

This aid is aimed at self-employed persons and companies with a maximum of 10 workers who carry out their activity in the municipality of Cocentaina and belong to one of the sectors set out in Annex I of this call for applications. All of this, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Decree Law 1/2021.

Applications and the corresponding documentation must be submitted telematically through the Municipal Electronic Headquarters.

The deadline for submission of applications will be fifteen calendar days from the day following the date of publication of the rules in the BOP.

For further information, please contact or telephone 966439551.

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