With the support of the Diputación de Alicante, aid is being offered to SMEs, micro-SMEs, the self-employed and professionals in order to minimise the economic impact of COVID-19.
Micro-SMEs, SMEs, the self-employed and other professionals subject to the mutual insurance scheme, whose tax domicile and/or place of business is in the municipality of El Verger, who have reduced their average monthly turnover in the months for which they are applying for aid (which must be between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021) by at least 25% compared to the average monthly turnover in 2019, will be eligible for this aid.
The credit earmarked for the call amounts to €40,876.47 provided by the Diputación de Alicante, which will be distributed proportionally among applicants who meet the requirements.
The deadline for submitting applications will be 15 working days, and starts from the day following the publication of the announcement in the BOP, which was today 26 July 2021.  Applications must be submitted electronically and through the electronic headquarters of the City Council of El Verger, where the information, documentation and standard application form to participate in the call are available.
If you have any queries, please contact the Local Development Agency by telephone on 966439551 and/or by email to info@elverger.es.

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