Aid, with the support of the Excma. Diputación Provincial de Alicante, is available for SMEs, micro-SMEs, self-employed and professionals in order to minimize the economic impact produced as a result of the COVID-19.
Micro-SMEs, SMEs, self-employed workers and other professionals subject to a mutuality system, whose tax domicile and/or establishment where they carry out their activity is located in the municipality of El Verger, may benefit from this aid. They have been affected by the state of alarm declared by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, and have been forced to suspend their activity during the period of declaration of this state.
The credit destined to the call, amounts to 27.600 Euros contributed by the Excma. Diputación de Alicante, which will be distributed in a proportional way among the applicants who fulfill the requirements. The deadline for submission of applications is modified from November 2 to November 20, 2020 by telematic means through the electronic headquarters of the Town Hall of El Verger, where the information, documentation and standard application form to participate in the call are available.  Those applications submitted prior to this new deadline will be considered accepted and should not be resubmitted.
These grants are compatible with those previously processed by the City Council for the same purpose, but incompatible with the grants processed by the Generalitat Valenciana.
All those SMEs, micro-SMEs, freelancers and professionals who have processed the grants previously announced by the City Council, must only submit the required documentation for this procedure.
For any questions you can contact the Local Development Agency, by phone at 966439551 and / or email to

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