Currently missing but it is fair to justify their disappearance.

Mr. Francisco Pons Moncho priest, took the decision to remove the building and lifted the block of houses where the new house is Abbey, consisting of offices, archives and parish hall of the parish.

History of the building disappeared.

It was this building cottage Moor Denia remarkable that King James I the Conqueror granted the valiant captain Pedro Eiximen Carroz, Lord of Carroz and Rambouillet to join him in making the city of Denia in 1245, with full authority to assign and distribute the fruits of conquest (land, houses, villages, bakeries, mills, etc.) which gave Mr. Francisco Vives, place and referred all cottage lands that made up that term, the extent of which was higher than the current township being with this fact, the first lord of Verger.

Perhaps Mr. Vives performs the first works to condition the offices of this house in order to live in it, extending the sellers and outbuildings to store oil and other crops. Their factory construction was weak and like that today occupies the mill cinema Lopez Cabrera. The descendants of the aforementioned Mr. Verger, continued perfecting work until the time came that the Duke of Lerma lord of Verger buys all the land and premises to the last Lord of Verger, mossén Jerónimo Vives, 21 in September 1580 this building was Lluís Vives born parents and lived in it, the great humanist and philosopher of the same name.

When the events of the Germanies, in 1519, Mr. Vives In Baltasar then Verger, stayed in this house the viceroy and captain general of Valencia Mr. Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, Count of Melito, who fled pursued by Valencia Germanies, and then he had spent in Denia port and sea to escape more easily.

Mr. Baltasar Vives received letter of Emperor Charles I, giving him thanks for services rendered to the count of Melito. The aforementioned letter reads: In our beloved Monsignor Baltasar Vives. King, mossén Vives: the Illustrious Mr. Diego de Mendoza our captain and lieutenant general, has written the position we have, and what to do it, we have much that is served and we plairà ‘I offer you something to be rewarded for your loyalty as services and deserve. Given in Brussels on 12 September 1520. I the King. Except VICIANA Chronicle of Valencia, Item IV, Page 71 Chabás. Denia History Volume II, page 82, edition of the Institute of Alicantinos.

The own Duke of Lerma was building his palace in front of the house rested on many occasions referred to the building.

After the construction of the church ordered by the Duke of Lerma and cults begun in 1581, as it happens to occupy this building Abbey House called the first priest.

The kings of Spain, Philip III and Margaret of Austria who married in the Cathedral of Valencia and Dénia boyfriends trip, stayed in the palace of the Duke and the rest of the entourage did in the House and among Abbey These devices phoenix of Lope de Vega.

The Duke of Lerma made King Philip III will order the receiver Valencia letter dated 4 May 1613, which received low inventory and delivered to the Church of Verger, the altarpiece, chalices, jewelry and other ornaments Castle chapel of Sierra Bernia, because it was a charity said that the church was the king Verger to contain him the same amount of poverty. History of Callosa d’Ensarriá, Adolfo Salva Ballester. Volume 1 page 103. Editing Studies Institute of Alicante. This magnificent altarpiece disappeared in 1936.

At the beginning of the present century, in 1903, stayed the famous Father Nozaleda, archbishop and primate of the Philippines, not to be pleasing his presence in Valencia, celebrating and presiding over the feast of Corpus Christi, in order to give greater solemnity party, the wealthy gentlemen of this town José Llorens and Na Bárbara Ferrando, gave the church a full canopy tissue vestments, silver and gold.

The building had no artistic merit. In 1774 it was renovated and it has come up with its successive arrangements until 1936

La Casa Abadía