The M. I. Ayuntamiento del Verger is going to initiate a participatory process, jointly subsidised by the Transparency Service, BOP and Printing of the Diputación de Alicante and the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana, whose aim is to find out the needs of the citizens and provide proposals and action projects that the citizens would like to see implemented in the municipality. These proposals and projects will be evaluated by the municipal authorities and technicians to confirm their viability, and among those that are viable, a representative consultation will be carried out with the population of the municipality, so that they can vote on their acceptance and proceed to their definitive approval by the Consistory.
In order to identify these proposals and needs, the Town Council invites all citizens to participate by filling in the following questionnaire:
We look forward to the cooperation of citizens in the creation of this valuable tool, which will surely benefit all citizens of the municipality.

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