What is it and what is it for?
The aim of this call for applications is to award grants to encourage entrepreneurship through the programme to support the maintenance of self-employment among women, by which a grant is awarded for the hiring of unemployed people by self-employed women who are pregnant or in the process of adoption, so that they can transfer the necessary knowledge to enable them to maintain their activity during maternity leave.
Beneficiaries: self-employed women who are pregnant or in the process of adoption at the time of the eligible recruitment.
• Excluded: members of trading companies, cooperatives, civil societies and labour companies, as well as women members of communities of property and collaborating self-employed women.
• In the case of temporary full-time contracts of at least 3 months’ duration: 1,500 euros.
• In the case of full-time temporary contracts lasting at least 6 months: 3,500 euros.
These amounts will be increased by 500 euros if a person with functional diversity or a woman is hired
Part-time contracts of at least 30 hours per week will be eligible, with a proportional reduction in the amount of aid.
Conditions for the granting of the subsidy:
• The hiring must take place from 1 January 2024 and always prior to the self-employed woman’s maternity leave.
• The person hired must have remained unemployed and registered as a jobseeker with Labora Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación (Valencian Employment and Training Service) until they are hired. This requirement will not be understood to be fulfilled if the registration takes place on the day on which the employment relationship begins.
• The person hired must not be related to the beneficiary by blood or marriage up to the second degree inclusive, or the equivalent in the case of unmarried couples.
Deadline for submitting the application: applications must be submitted within two months of the recruitment that is the object of the subsidy, and under no circumstances may they be submitted after 2 September 2024.
More information at the ADL EL VERGER
Tel. 966439551

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