The Department of Commerce announces the EMPRENEM COMERÇ 2024 grants, aimed at increasing competitiveness, innovation and quality in commercial SMEs.
If you plan to open a shop to the public between 1 February and 30 September 2024, these grants may be for you.
Current expenses derived from the maintenance of a commercial establishment with a new owner or from the implementation of a commercial activity in premises in which, previously, economic activity has been carried out will be considered eligible. The establishment must, where applicable, be open to the public between 1 February and 30 September 2024.
The aid is intended to finance current expenses incurred between 1 January 2024 and 30 September 2024, both days inclusive.
More specifically:
– Feasibility and commercial feasibility studies, distribution, lighting, energy saving and design of the establishment.
– Administration costs, notary and registry fees necessary for the incorporation of the company or for the start of the activity in the commercial establishment and also, if applicable, online.
– Expenses for renting premises accrued until 30 September 2024.
The aid to be granted per establishment will be 50%, with a limit of 10,000 euros, without exceeding 5,000 euros of subsidy for rent.
The deadline for applications will be from 15 January to 9 February 2024, both inclusive.
RESOLUTION of 28 December 2023, of the Director General for Trade, Crafts and Consumer Affairs, announcing the early call for applications for the 2024 financial year for aid in the field of trade, consumer affairs and crafts. [2023/13238].
Applications, according to the standard form available in the corresponding telematic procedure depending on the aid to be applied for, of those regulated in this call, shall be submitted only by telematic means, through the electronic headquarters of the Generalitat (
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