In accordance with the provisions of Article 133.1 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, with the aim of improving citizen participation in the procedure for drafting regulations, prior to the drafting of the draft tax ordinance regulating the cleaning of plots/plots, the opinion of the most representative subjects and organisations potentially affected by the future regulation is sought on:
a) Background and problems to be solved by the initiative.
There are numerous plots of land and plots of land in all the urban and rural areas of our municipality, generally without any cleaning, which are often used to deposit rubble and rubbish and are filled with weeds every year, so that they pose a danger to other properties, especially because of the possibility of fire, as well as deteriorating the public image of the urban and rural environment.
The aim of this regulation is to provide a service to the public by setting up a public service to clean up plots of land and plots of land, thus helping to ensure that they are kept in the conditions required by municipal regulations. This initiative is aimed at those people and companies who, for various reasons, are unable to maintain their properties.
With this initiative the Town Council aims to solve the problem that has been dragging on for years and which obliges the council to notify those owners, especially companies, who do not keep their plots of land and plots clean.
b) The necessity and timeliness of its approval.
This regulation streamlines the functioning of the administration and ultimately compliance with the ordinance, with all of which we will achieve a cleaner town and a municipality with better environmental quality.
c) The objectives of the regulation.
Being aware of the difficulty of carrying out the cleaning of plots/plots of land by its own means, the Town Council intends to provide this service to all possible owners. Therefore, owners may choose to have their plots cleaned by the Town Council, subject to payment of the corresponding fee.
d) Possible alternative regulatory and non-regulatory solutions.
Among the regulatory instruments available to Local Bodies, the Ordinance is the one that best suits the proposed action to be taken.

Citizens, organisations and associations that so consider may submit their opinions on the aspects raised in the following questionnaire during a period of ten days from the day following the publication of this announcement on the municipal website, by submitting them to any of the places indicated in Article 16 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

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