MASSMA launches PANGEA, which is a service that was created to support citizens and town councils, as well as the associative network and the third sector of the region, with the aim of promoting integration and coexistence with migrants.

The PANGEA Regional Office has the mission to develop different resources and services to guarantee the fundamental rights of citizens around three work axes.

– Social cohesion and coexistence: Social cohesion is the bonding of the members of a collectivity among themselves and as a group; it is a fundamental condition to guarantee the welfare of society.
– Social inclusion: The majority of migrants have specific characteristics of vulnerability in the relational sphere where they must build and generate a new environment that can generate greater social exclusion or risk.
– Guaranteeing the rights of migrants: It is necessary the leadership of migration policy and interdepartmental coordination with the subtraction of services and public policies (cooperation, education, health, occupation, housing, civil rights…), as well as comprehensive counselling and their attention.

The Objectives are:

– To detect and analyse the needs of the migrant population of the municipality.
– To strategically plan actions aimed at advancing towards equality and inclusion of migrants.
– To establish a space for coordination between the administration and social entities working in the field of emigration, for the development of networking.
– Carry out specific actions to guarantee normalised access to public resources for the migrant population.
– Collaborate in the implementation of the public network of accommodation for migrants in situations of exclusion and other services that are implemented to improve their inclusion.
– Promote community participation and equal treatment of migrants and prevent racism and xenophobia.

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