Given that the pandemic caused by COVID has seriously affected the tourism business fabric of the Comunitat Valenciana, Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has redirected in 2021 its traditional lines of aid to companies and local entities under the competitive concurrence regime towards a single call for 2021 aid aimed at professionals and companies in the tourism sector made a reality with the publication of Decree 21/2021, of 5 February, of the Consell, approving the regulatory bases and the direct granting of aid to professionals in the tourism sector and tourism companies by Covid-19. (DOGV nº9018 of 11.02.2021).
The deadline for submitting applications will begin at 12.00 noon on 22 February 2021 and end at 12.00 noon on 22 March 2021.

The tourist destinations will receive budgetary support from Turisme Comunitat Valenciana through the Municipal Cooperation Fund for Tourist Municipalities of the Comunitat Valenciana, a fund regulated by Decree 142/2020, of 25 September, of the Consell, and which will be distributed during the second half of the year.

Those interested can obtain all the information at the ADL of El Verger, or telephone 966439551.

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