On Sunday 27 September, the “Mans al riu” campaign will take place in El Verger, consisting of the cleaning of the riverbed of the Girona river as it passes through El Verger. This is an initiative organized by the Limne Foundation in collaboration with the Department of Environment and Global Omnium.
“Mans al Riu” is an environmental volunteer campaign of the Limne Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on restoring ecosystems through citizen participation. This is a day of cleaning rivers that is organized at the same time in various municipalities and aims to give visibility to the state of our ecosystems and make a responsible management of our waste. From Limne say that “each year collected from the rivers dozens of refrigerators, tires, butane bottles, furniture or other items that do not correspond to nature. Therefore, and in order to solve the problem, during the course of the day monitors will inform participants about the fate that corresponds to each waste, also giving details of municipal collection.
The day will begin at 10 am, with the meeting point in the Church Square. The activity, open to the participation of all citizens, has a markedly recreational and educational, since, in addition to improving the river space where they act, will be subsumed in the means that exist today to manage waste.
The organization, in order to provide all the necessary material, requests the previous inscription by mail (participa@limne.org) or by phone (654.076.533). This requirement will be indispensable, since the organization has a plan adapted to the COVID-19 that includes, among others, a limited capacity of 20 people per municipality.

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