The Sierra de Segària is one of the two natural elements that mark the personality of El Verger next to the river Girona. It is a mountainous alignment that extends from NE to SW and a physical barrier that separates El Verger from the neighboring towns of Benimeli and Beniarbeig. The Sierra is shared by the three towns mentioned, and also by Dénia and Ondara. The most outstanding singularity of this beautiful place of 94,000 m² of extension, is that it has a geodesic vertex of third order on the summit of the Segària of 506 m above sea level and the richness in natural and cultural heritage. Proof of this are the places, caves, chasms, peaks, fountains, etc., that can be found in it.

The total length is 6 km and it has a higher peak in the center, with two prominent sectors: the western one, which occupies 58% of the total, being the most extensive, and the eastern one that completes the remaining 42%. The mountain range is divided equally between the grandiosity of its rocky walls, with whimsical shapes and designs, and the magnificent panoramic view offered by the Girona river and the Gallinera valley, as well as the Pego-Oliva Marjal Natural Park. The highest peak of the mountain in the area of ​​El Verger reaches 459.6 m and its best known place is the Penya Roja, at 251 m above sea level. It is a very characteristic place and, above all, a landscape landmark for all the inhabitants of El Verger, as well as for neighboring towns. In addition, there is evidence of an Iberian settlement in this place.

The Penya Roja and the Sierra de Segària have a great importance and botanical interest due to the fact that there is the highest concentration of protected, endemic, rare or threatened flora in the region. Among them we highlight: Fern (Asplenium majoricum), Orchis Italica, Carrasca (Quercus ilex ssp Rotundifolia), Braceros Mayor or Centaurea de Segaria (Centaurea segariensis).

The PR-CV 415 trail runs along the “Sierra de Segària”, the SL-CV 109 local trail, which together with the new local trail promoted by El Verger’s Town Hall (SL-CV 161) connect all the natural areas of the mountain range. These trails are used by visitors to access the various caves, chasms, summits, settlements or simply for hiking. It is a natural place of high cultural value, landscaped and protected by the declarations LIC “Valls de la Marina” and protection of the ZEPA Mountains of the Marina.