It is located at the easternmost end of the Sierra de Segaria. Account with a cavity about 4m wide approximately 7m high. In its interior two rooms are formed, continuing with a long and wide gallery interior from which other annexed corridors originate.

It is connected by a descending cavity, about 25 meters approximately, with the Cova Santa, although in reality it is the same cave but in past times this communication between both by this they put two names to them.

This cave is very interesting for caving; given its situation, it is the recipient of a large sunstroke and is located about 3 km from the beach. In their interior they were a great diversity of pieces and fragments ceramics.

In the Neolithic the cave is used as a dwelling and it is still used as a funerary cave in the Eneolithic. Later in the Iberian era it became like the sanctuary, which lasted until Roman times. East the sanctuary was used by both pastors, travelers, merchants … to preach, have a good trip and a happy arrival. And it was also used for celebrations religious and for all kinds of exchanges.

Furthermore, given its location, it was a point of reference for sailors, since they helped them to orientate themselves to locate the Girona river and the exchanges previously named. From the entrance of the cave you also have a perfect view of the path of the Cremadella which is the most important communication path of the region for the coastal area.
All this indicates that it has been a very inhabited area Long time