The “Consell Moro i Cristià” of El Verger, will put on sale in advance the chairs for the Christian and Mora entry on August 15, at the price of 5 € in advance sale in the “CASA DE CULTURA” and 7 € in direct sale in the parade.
In July, the advance sale will be on the following days:

A) Homeowners located on the route:
Day july 20: afternoon
Day july 21: morning
Day july 22: morning
Day july 27: afternoon
Day july 28: morning
Day july 29: morning
B) For the general public:
Day agost 1: afternoon
Day agost 2: morning
Day agost 3: afternoon
Day agost 4: morning
Day agost 5: morning

Morning schedule: from 09:30  to 11:30 a.m.
Afertnoon schedule: from 5:00 a 7:30 p.m.

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