Suma Gestión Tributaria has suspended the period of voluntary payment of taxes after Royal Decree 463/2020, which declares the State of Alarm throughout the national territory. This measure, adopted by the Government to face the coronavirus crisis, entails, among other consequences, the suspension and interruption of the deadlines for processing the procedures of the entities of the Public Sector.
This, SUMA’s voluntary collection period, which started on March 5 and was scheduled to end on June 5, has been suspended. Likewise, administrative management procedures that are pending compliance with hearing requirements or procedures and administrative notifications are suspended.
In the context of the COVID-19 crisis and the package of measures adopted by the Alicante Provincial Council to help tackle the pandemic and guarantee the service and safety of public employees, Suma agreed last Friday to expand to 5 June, the campaign to collect the vehicle tax and the ford and garbage fees without surcharge, which was originally scheduled to close on May 8. This period is now suspended until the loss of validity of the state of alarm, set at 15 days, renewable if authorized by the Congress of Deputies.
Other actions implemented to preserve the health of workers and users of the services provided by the Diputación and the agencies and entities dependent on it have been the suspension of attention to the public, as well as the development of telework , drastically reducing the presence of employees in dependencies and offices. In addition, face-to-face courses and training actions and meetings have been suspended. *

** news that belongs to the web of SUMA

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